Watou Classics
Cuvée Watou
This ale is one of the most recent additions to our range. This premium thirst-quenching Belgian blond high-fermentation ale, with secondary fermentation in the bottle, is especially popular in summertime. It is the perfect refreshment while enjoying a sun-drenched terrace on a hot summer’s day.
Cuvée Watou has a pleasant golden-blonde colour with a full, creamy head, which is enhanced even more by the tulip shape of the glass. The attack is characterised by mild, none too bitter fruit flavours, gradually edging towards a light citrus and orange finish. This beer is even more refreshing because of its gentle bubbles.
Technical information:
- ABV: 8 vol%
- Degrees Plato: 16°
- Hops: 3 varieties
- Malt: 4 varieties
- Fermentation: high fermentation beer with secondary fermentation in the bottle